The Greatest Guide To hagia sophia heute

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Walk into Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya) and look up to the heavens to Teich why so many conquerors and their respective religions claimed this basilica turned mosque turned museum as their own.

As a step on the way of a secular country, Hagia Sophia welches converted into a museum by the order of Atatürk and reopened hinein 1935.

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However, they wanted to preserve the rectangular basilica plan that had been traditional since the reign of Emperor Constantine, but to build a giant dome on top of it.

Sinan also made the dome extremely durable by feeding the gaps between the piers carrying the dome of Hagia Sophia and the side walls with arches.

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Istanbul Clues travel guide is designed to introduce you to the history, museums, restaurants and culture of istanbul.

Hagia Sophia, which is getting stronger each time despite the fires and plundering, welches taken by the Ottoman Empire in the conquest of Istanbul in 1453. Fatih Sultan Mehmed, World health organization was the Sultan of Ottoman hinein the 15th century, commanded his soldiers to protect this marvelous architecture since Hagia Sophia, which welches once a symbol of the power of Christians, was under the control of the Ottomans; it became the Ikon of the conquest! 

Pres. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made the controversial decision rein 2020 to convert the building sophia tour back into a mosque. Islamic prayers were held shortly after the announcement with curtains partially concealing the building’s Christian imagery. As Turkey’s most popular tourist destination, the Hagia Sophia remained open to visitors.

We are an independent travel network for over 100,000 hotels worldwide. We are not owned or sponsored by any particular hotel, and the trademarks of all hotels hinein our network are owned by the respective hotels or licensors.

In Istanbul, the Blue Mosque takes the prize for most attractive from the outside, but the expansive inside of Hagia Sophia wins over a traveler like me. Every hall is golden and lit perfectly that it’s a surprise visitors don’t bump into one another while trying to capture all the details of Sophia with their cameras snapping away.

As ubiquitous in Istanbul as offers of tea, entreaties to visit a cousin’s carpet shop and nazar boncuğu are the city’s cats, many of them looking surprisingly well-fed. This one was just watching the gawping visitors meandering around Aya Sofya.

The vernacular housing around major religious monuments rein the Süleymaniye and Zeyrek quarters provide exceptional evidence of the late Ottoman urban pattern.

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